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(MIT Press, 2021)






Pols, Hans & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019). Psychology and psychiatry in the global world: Historical perspectives. History of Psychology, 22(3): 219-224 (SSCI)

Onaga, Lisa & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018). Articulating genba: The particularities of exposure and its study in Asia. Positions: Asia Critique. 26(2) (AHCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui & Wang, Wen-Ji (June 2016). East and Southeast Asian Psy Sciences. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal. 10(2). (ESCI)


Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2025, forthcoming) The Coveted “Lung Shot”: Deploying Streptomycin in Hong Kong in the Early Cold War Period. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 55(2).​

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2025, forthcoming) Reflecting on the Past to Understand the Current Social Psychiatry in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui & Samson Ki-Sum Wong (2023). Spatial relevance: teaching history to medical students at a medical museum in Hong Kong. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 78(1):71-82.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2022). Relaying Station for Empires’ Outcasts’: Managing ‘Lunatics’ in Pre-World War II Hong Kong. In History of Psychiatry, 33(3):319-332.

Chen, CC., Wu, H.YJ., Yeh, MJ. et al. Comparing stress and behavioral coping strategies during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis among domestic and overseas Taiwanese. Scientific Reports 12, 11613 (2022).

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). What can the study of ‘lunatics’ in Hong Kong contribute to the historiography mental health in East Asia? In Journal of The History of the Behavioral Sciences (online ahead of print).

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). From Optical Unconscious to Mental Imagery: How Scientists Have Been Catching up with Filmmakers’ Agendas on Trauma. Journal of Trauma and Disassociation 22:4, 439-451.

Kitanaka, Junko, Stefan Ecks & Harry Yi-Jui Wu (2021). The social in psychiatries: depression in Myanmar, China, and Japan. The Lancet [online first]

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). Midwife’s uniform from Tsan Yuk Hospital. Hong Kong Medical Journal 27(2):166-7

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui & Tei, Shisei (2021). Historical reflection on Taijin kyōfushō during COVID-19: A global phenomenon of social anxiety? In Journal of History and Philosophy of Life Sciences. 43, 60 (2021) 

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). Gendered Disease Iconography through the Lens of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. In Men & Masculinities.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2020). Psychiatrists' Agency and their Distance from the Authoritarian State in Post World-War II Taiwan. History of Psychology 23(4), 351–370.

Pols, Hans & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019). Psychology and psychiatry in the global world: Historical perspectives. History of Psychology, 22(3): 219-224 (SSCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019). Glass Undines for Eye Irrigation. In Hong Kong Medical Journal. 25 (3):262-263

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019). The Triturator for Smallpox Vaccine in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Medical Journal. 25 (1):86-88.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui & Chen, Julie Y. (2018). Conundrum between internationalization and interdisciplinarity: reflection on the development of medical humanities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. In MedEdPublish 

​Beh, Philip SL & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018, forthcoming). The Porcelain Autopsy Table and Early Post-Mortem Examinations in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Medical Journal. 24(4)

Wu, Yi-Cheng & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018). Suicide and natural environment: an indigenous view. The Lancet Planetary Health 2(8):e325-326

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018) Lomax’s Asylums Affairs on Dr. Tseung Fat-Im’s Bookshelf. In Hong Kong Medical Journal. 24(3):323-324 (SCIE)

Onaga, Lisa & Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018). Articulating genba: The particularities of exposure and its study in Asia. Positions: Asia Critique 26(2): 197-212 (AHCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui, Lin RT, Wang J, Cheng, Y (2017). Transnational Dynamics Amid Poor Regulations: Taiwan’s Actions and Experiences on Asbestos Ban. In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(10), 1240.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2017) Six domains in critical medical humanities. In The Clinical Teacher. 2017, 14:1-5

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2017) Temperature Charts from Bombay. In Hong Kong Medical Journal. 23(5): 545-547 (SCIE)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2017) The Long Walk Home: Trauma Psychiatry on Film. In The Lancet Psychiatry. 5(4): 361-362 (SCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui & Wang, Wen-Ji (2016). Making and Mapping Psy Sciences and East and Southeast Asia. In East Asian Science and Technology Studies: an International Journal. 10(2): 109-120 (ESCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2016). From Racialization to World Citizenship: The Transnationality of Taiwan and the Early Psychiatric Epidemiological Studies of the World Health Organization. In East Asian Science and Technology Studies: an International Journal. 10(2): 183-205 (ESCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2016) Moral Careers of “Outmates”: Toward the history of “manufactured mental disorders” and co-production of psychiatric knowledge in post-socialist China. Medical History 60(1):87-104 (SSCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2015). World Citizenship and the Emergence of the Social Psychiatry Project of the World Health Organization, 1948-c.1965. History of Psychiatry 26(2):166-181 (SSCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2013). Correspondence: Deep Reflection is needed on the Murder of Young Chinese Doctor and China’s Health Seeking Pathway. The Lancet Vol. 381, Issue 9863, p. e2 (SCI)

Yen, Cheng-Fang and Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (both first authors) (2013). Gambling in Taiwan: Gambling experience, research and policy. In Addiction 108(3):463-7 (SCI/SSCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2012). Missionary Gaze: the Social Biography and Archiving of David Landsborough IV’s Photo Albums. In Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 10(2): 1-59 (TSSCI)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2012). Anti-Malaria Campaigns Beyond the Scope of the State. In Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies No. 88, pp. 229-247. (TSSCI) (in Chinese)


​​Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2022). Taming the Tropics with Numbers: The Origins of Psychiatric Epidemiology in Colonial Taiwan. In Lovell & Oppenheimer (eds.) Reimagining Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Global Frame (Rochester: Rochester University Press)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2022). From Objectified Body to Silent Teacher: Decolonizing the Anatomical
Body in Taiwan’s Modern Medical Education. In Gavrus & Lamb (eds.) Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning and Belonging in Medicine in Honour of Jacalyn Duffin. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). Tropical stupor?  An Investigation into Patients Affected by Earthquake and Tropical Weather in Colonial Taiwan. In Mark Micale & Hans Pols (eds.) Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present. (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books) pp. 35-57.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2021). From means to goal: a history of mental health in Hong Kong from 1850 to 1960. In Harry Minas (ed.) Mental Health in China and the Chinese Diaspora: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Springer)

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019). Psychiatry. In Howard Chiang (ed.) The Making Human Sciences in China (Leiden & Boston: Brill)  pp. 489-509

Chen, Julie Y., Wu, Harry-Yi-Jui (2017). Medical Humanities. In Dent. J. et al (eds.) Practical Guide for Medical Teachers, 5th Edition. (Springer). pp. 222-229.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui and Cheng, Andrew Tai-An (2017). The Development of Mental Health in Taiwan, in Minas, Harry (ed.). Mental Health in Asia and the Asian Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (New York: Springer) pp. 107-121

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2014). A Charted Epidemic of Trauma: Case Notes at the Psychiatric Department of the National Taiwan University Hospital, 1946-1953. In the Chiang, H. [ed.] Psychiatry and Chinese History. (London: Pickering & Chatto) pp.161-182

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2012). World Citizenship and the Classification of Psychiatric Diagnoses: the History of a World Health Organization’s Early Mental Health Programme. In Chang and Lu (eds) (2011) Psychiatric Nursing and the Society: An STS Reader (Yang-Ming STS Project) pp. 249-282 (in Chinese)


Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2024). What Digitalized Archives Cannot Reveal: Reflections on Using Image Collections and Patient Records. Korean Journal for the History of Science. 46(2): 387-395.


Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2023). Impersonal Presence: Kazuo Hara’s Sennan Asbestos Disaster and Minamata Mandala. in East Asian Science and Technology Studies. 17(4), 521–527.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2020) ​Korean medicine: a time-honored brand that transformed itself. In Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 50(5).


Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2024) Madness in the Family: Women, Care, and Illness in Japan, written by H. Yumi Kim. Asian Medicine, 18(1-2), 347-349.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2020) Emily Baum. The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and the Insane in Modern China. In Isis. 111(2): 420-21.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2020) Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown and Elizabeth Fee, The World Health Organization: A History. Medical history 64(2):291-293

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2019) Patrick Manning & Mat Savelli (eds). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945-1980. In Journal of the History of Biology. 52: 497-499

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2018) Angela KC Leung & Izumi Kakayama (eds) Gender, Health and History in Modern East Asia. In Hong Kong Review of Books.

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2017) Andrew Schonebaum (2016) Novel Medicine: Healing, Literature, and Popular Knowledge in Early Modern China. In Medical History 61(3):468-470

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2014) Stephanie Ho et al. (2012) The Dark Side of Depression, Emotional Management and Modernity. In East Asian Science and Technology Studies 8(4):495-97

Wu, Harry Yi-Jui (2014) Sandra Harding (2011): The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader. In East Asian Science and Technology Studies 8(1):151-53.

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In 1948, the World Health Organization began to prepare its social psychiatry project, which aimed to discover the epidemiology and arrive at a classification of mental disorders. In Mad by the Millions (MIT Press, 2021), Harry Y-Jui Wu examines the WHO's ambitious project, arguing that it was shaped by the postwar faith in technology and expertise and the universalizing vision of a “world psyche.” Wu shows that the WHO's idealized scientific internationalism laid the foundations for today's highly metricalized global mental health system.

Examining the interactions between the WHO and developing countries, Wu offers an analysis of the “transnationality” of mental health. He examines knowledge-sharing between the organization and African and Latin American collaborators, and looks in detail at the WHO's selection of a Taiwanese scientist, Tsung-yi Lin, to be its medical officer and head of the social psychiatry project. He discusses scientists' pursuit of standardization—not only to synchronize sectors in the organization but also to produce a common language of psychiatry—and how technological advances supported this. Wu considers why the optimism and idealism of the social psychiatry project turned to dissatisfaction, reappraising the WHO's early knowledge production modality through the concept of an “export processing zone.” Finally, he looks at the WHO's project in light of current debates over psychiatry and global mental health, as scientists shift their concerns from the creation of universal metrics to the importance of local matrixes.

This book was recognised as finalist for the 2023 Cheiron Book Prize and winner of Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences, awarded by Academia Sinica in 2024.

In 2024, the book was translated into Chinese by Chia-Shuo Tang and published by Rive Gauche Publishing House in Taiwan with a new title, 度量瘋狂: 精神疾病和世界衛生組織的科學主義. The new introduction reads:




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